SO I took the tests several times to find the most accurate conclusion. The first day I took a test and I resulted as a type 6-Skeptic. The whole day I was stressed and paranoid so I couldnt get any other answer. The next day I was way less stressed and I got mostly 7 and 9: Enthusiast and Peacemaker. After reading through each description I would say I'm definately a combination of the three.
The Skeptic side: I am not at all a healthy 6. They are loyal people which I can relate to, but the part that I cant relate is that they are very loyal to authority. I definately tend to defy authority. I am an unhealthy 6 because I am insecure which makes me distrust everyone. This creates a cycle. What I dont like about being a six is I procrastinate because of fear of failure, I have little self confidence, I get exhausted by worrying way too much, and I am overly critical of myself. I am very loyal, I am a nonconformist, and I have intellect and wit, all of which is part of the positve side.
The Enthusiastic side: I like to explore the world and usually appreciate what I find. I find this true in my personality because I can generally be happy doing and trying anything. Any new experience makes me happy. I love traveling and discovering new places to hike, camp, eat at and simply look at. I know that I have the type of personality that isn't satisified without change. I can't stay in one place in life for very long.
The Peaceful side: I think the peaceful side of me is a big part of my personality. In the healthy state, type nines open up to others and others open up to them and ultimately the nines are very accepting. I would say this is true for me. What I like most about myself is that I rarely have a judgemental spirit. I like people and I like when they open up and trust me. People find it easy to open up to me, I would say, and I like to create unions.
Altogether I stay peaceful to keep union, I am adventurous to feel satisfied and I have very bad anxiety when I dont feel balance or feel insecure.
Interesting results! One thing about sixes: they are, as you've gleaned, defined by anxiety, but as to the loyalty, they are often of two minds about this. They can take what's called a "phobic" or "counter-phobic" stance. Meaning, they can either rally with authority or decidedly against it.
ReplyDeleteBased on very little, I would say you are probably a 6 with a 7 wing that moves to 9 in times of stress. It's complicated, I know!